Pregnancy is a discovery of oneself. The motherhood journey brings deep physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual transformations. Every pregnancy brings a new transformation, understanding, discovery and awaken past memories, good ones but also hurtful ones that were once deeply hidden in your unconscious. It is because all of our psychological circulation is changing during pregnancy. That is why it is crucial to align mind and body together, to connect deeply with your womb and baby. Practicing Sophrology during pregnancy is the path to harmony.
Ayurveda says pregnancy in itself is a sign of good health; and unlike the postpartum time, there aren’t too many specific protocols that must be followed. The Ayurvedic wisdom brings a lot of impactful aspects to the mother during her pregnancy journey. It is absolutely important during pregnancy that the mother is kept happy, safe, loved and stress free. It is not always easy to be in a such perfect environment, between daily obligations, work, family... However you have the power to be able to manage and bring harmony within even in stressful times.
The true work is your inner work
Practicing Sophrology during pregnancy will bring peace, healing, grounding and deep connection with your womb and baby. It will nurture your mind - soul and spirit for a more peaceful pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum.
Sophrology is the harmonization of the body and mind and finding the balance within yourself.
With sophrology, you gradually gain a deeper understanding of yourself, others and the world around you. Sophrology gives a safe environment with positive energy for you to release, learn how to focus and search internally for the answer. You need to tap into the awareness of both body and mind to transform your state of consciousness to access your vital energy and state of being.
Sophrology uses breathing exercises, gentle movements, visualizations, meditation and concentration to achieve a state of deep relaxation where you reconcile body and mind.
Sophrology not only guides you to connect with your womb and baby way before birth but also prepares you for a smoother, more blissful and empowered birth!
Practicing Sophrology during pregnancy also prevent postpartum depression as you connect with your baby way before birth and harmonize mind - body - soul.
The Pivotal Postpartum Protocol
The postpartum diet is extremely important during the first 42 days postpartum however it is not the only thing that the mother should follow. It is the first step but there is more to the healing and rejuvenating process.
The Pivotal Postpartum Protocol is based on the 4 Ayurvedic pillars to bring deep healing and harmony between mind and body.
After birth, the womb fills with air & space which are the elements of Vata Dohsa. Click bellow to learn more about Vata Dosha and the importance of pacifying and reducing it right after the birth. Otherwise this is when issues will occur.
During the first 42 days postpartum, you are in a crossroad where you either take the path of rejuvenation or the path of depletion. You have an unique opportunity to truly heal, recover and rejuvenate. A rare opening occurs.
According to Ayurveda you enter a Sacred Window where everything you do will affect your well-being, health, ability to mother and partner for the next 42 years. You have the opportunity to stop the process of degeneration and transform old cells to new cells if you follow the right protocol. Everything that you do and everything that you eat will form the foundation for the next decade to come.
According to Ayurveda, the first 42 days are crucial and a specific protocol has to be followed for the mother to heal, recover and rejuvenate. Investing in yourself and your health during your motherhood journey is investing in your family and children. A depleted mother cannot live in harmony within, and her children, husband/partner.
It is imperative to be well prepared and nourished during the first 42 days. Birth is an initiation and you are reborn every time you have a newborn. You are as fragile as your newborn baby and everything inside is restructuring.
Your needs in this Sacred season are great and you need specific care, love and guidance to heal correctly.
I have observed too many mothers going into depletion because they did not have the knowledge and access to the right protocol. Depletion can come in different forms: hair loss, lost of appetite, postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, feeling insecure, unsure, disconnection with baby, insomnia, exhaustion, sadness, colics in baby, digestive problem, low milk supply, mastitis, irritable mood, anger, itching and dry skin, urge to always do something and not being able to rest...
Postpartum does not have to look this way. With the correct protocol you can live a blissful, enjoyable, healing and rejuvenating postpartum season where a new self emerge like a butterfly, you will be forever transformed.
​If you receive the right care after birth, you will experience a deep rejuvenation, your body will recover beautifully from pregnancy and birth, and you will be able to heal things physically/mentally/emotionally/spiritually and feel even better from pre- pregnancy.
You will be able to have a deep bond with your baby, your relationship with your partner will take on a new depth. You will feel strong, grounded, calm and peaceful as you enter motherhood.
It is a must for you to prepare for your Sacred Window because if you do not receive the proper support during your 42 days postpartum, you will sadly experience a deep depletion.
Click below to have access to the Pivotal Postpartum Protocol and prepare for your blissful and sacred window postpartum.