the power of Sophrology
“Sophrology is about empowering you to surrender to the waves. Sophrology does not prepare you for not feeling anything but prepares you to be strong for whatever comes your way. Birth preparation with sophrology is to regain your intuitive power to travel to the stars and back with your baby, connecting with your deep soul and ancestors. Sophrology gives you the tools you need to have a more peaceful birth and postpartum. Births are raw, beautiful, powerful, messy, calm, loud, long, short, an ultimate discovery of your strength, your body, your soul, spirit, and mind. You will be forever transformed.” - Chloé Searcy
Sophrology is the harmonization of the body and mind and finding the balance within you. With sophrology, you gradually gain a deeper understanding of yourself and others and the world around you. Sophrology gives a safe environment with positive energy for you to release, learn how to focus and search internally for the answer. You need to tap into the awareness of both body and mind to transform your state of consciousness and access your vital energy and state of being. Sophrology fixes the disconnection between the mind and body and directs the power of your consciousness to where you need greater strength in your life
In sophrology, you use breathing exercises, gentle movements, visualizations, meditation and concentration to achieve relaxation and in a way, to reconcile body and mind. In the state of awareness that you gain with the practice of sophrology you explore sensations, perceptions and develop your awareness and consciousness. With repetitive practice, sophrology has the power to produce deep transformation in your life by strengthening your inner resources, inner connections, self-confidence, trust, letting go and being less judgmental of yourself and others. You become more resilient and stronger for any obstacles that may arise along your path. Sophrology comes from within and transforms your consciousness to a better understanding of yourself. You have the power to change the way you want to feel and how you let the outside world affect you. You have the power to change your perspective and to live a meaningful life guided by your true self and your own values.
The first glimmers of motherhood illuminate a world that was unknown revealing to the mother to be this force mobilized by life. At the beginning of pregnancy, the woman is brought to a new path, embarking on a journey of knowing and understanding herself and the other within. Pregnancy creates new perspectives and a lot of changes. The body is changing, hormones, emotions, and moods are readjusting to the change. During this transformation memories of you from your childhood can be brought back, making you sometimes more vulnerable to hidden emotions, traumas, and memories from before that were buried. Our bodies are the reservoir of all our inner resources, such as emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and experiences are stored in our bodies as consciousness. During this season of change, it is crucial to listen to your body through sensation. By developing a deeper connection with your body and increasing the awareness of your body we gain powerful access to your true self.
Sophrology is all about empowering you, the mother to be, helping you to understand, embrace and integrate the change that happens in your body, mind, soul, and spirit. To access your inner power to connect in a deeper way with your baby and your intuition. You will learn how to breathe properly and reconnect with your inner self, a clearer connection with the body and your consciousness. You will become more present, energized, grounded, focused, relaxed, and in tune with the baby. With the practice of sophrology, you will increase your communication with your baby, live a more peaceful and relaxing pregnancy, learn to relax quickly when needed by using different techniques and tools, embracing the changes in your body, erasing any negatives thoughts, overcoming any fears, improving sleep quality, learning pain management techniques, visualizing the baby’s journey into earthside and preparing for the rite of passage of birth by embracing the waves and surrendering. Sophrology will increase your confidence by becoming aware of your inner capacities at handling changes, stresses, and obstacles.